5073 (WW7691)
1st Reg. | 2001-08-29 |
1st Day | 2020-08-07 |
Last (Est.) | 2019-08-26 |
VIN | YV3S1E11711 050465 |
Body | Alexander ALX500 |
Engine | Volvo D10A-285 (w/SCR) |
Gearbox | ZF 5HP590 |
Roadshow/Newtvision/M-channel/Buzplay Hanover Electronic Destination Blind (Yellow) Scandus Seats 2+2 Seat Arrangement Facilities for disabilities - GPS Stop Announce System - - | |
Upper Deck (Number of Seat: 57) Lower Deck (Number of Seat: 32) |
Past Whereabouts